After all these posts and comments about recent things in my life, I would like get back about my experience of English learning in Cambridge.
At the end of my first week in Bell School, I had a crisis. I was sure that my real level was lower than Upper-intermediate (the level assigned to me in the first test) and I needed talk about it with my main teacher, John Page.
I thought the possibility of making a change because I needed much more time than my classmates to read the exercises, my Vocabulary was quite short and my Grammar in oral expression was full of mistakes. I couldn't process the enormous quantity of information that I received each day.
But my teacher advised me to remain with the same group and to be stimulated with the difficulties. Besides, he told me, my classmates had differents problems than me, with Phonetics, for example. In his opinion, the situation was balanced.
I agreed and I didn't change. With the help of some books and more hours of study I could improve my English and be more confident and happy.
I think now that there, in Cambridge, I was building a new
status for me, I could make "muscles" for the future (in words by my teacher in Spain, Stephen Hasler).