
A year full of unexpected events

Once upon a time a life full of unexpected things

That's my life, specially in 2008 when all the activities begin like one thing and finish like other huge different. One example: last year, I was travel to Rome invited by my sister Cris. The original idea was to work in her project CRELOC, to learn about her new job at EEHAR (Spanish School for History and Arqueology in Rome) and to make tourism during a couple of days... A quiet trip.

Well, like I was flying with my friend Juan Álvarez who publish in the Italian magazine "Blue", all of us was invited to a party organized by the designer Franco Saudelli at his home.
There I could know two dozens of nice roman people at the same time: designers, journalists, editors... Boys and girls.
In one moment of the night, after diner, I discovered a shelf with a little collection of spectacular women's shoes... Tests, photographs, comments, laughs... Everybody plays the game!

And, surprise! My pictures and my name in "Blue. Contemporanei a l'imbecillita" several months later!

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